Selasa, 16 September 2008


Eruption of the third molar teeth representing completion in formation of entire tooth. But a lot of observer have a notion that, pressure eruption of the third molar will generate mesial pressure at tooth in front of its and can cause overcrowding. The influence of the third molar to anterior regio have been percieved by Scawarze in 1973. Mesial presure can influence efficacy of orthodontics treatment, this matter is can be seen from the sign of early return of crowding incicivus tooth after finishing treatment orthodontic. Repeal of profilaksis the third molar for the reason of orthodonti treatment have been sugested ( Andersen, 1935). Cases which have been evaluated to 500 patient, found that 22,6 % the third molar of maxilla and 22,5 % mandibula are axtracted in order to orthodontic treatment. The age suggested took a fancy is 14 - 16 year. Repealing of the tooth expected can discontinue presure to mesial is which still going on during period of child growth. Prevention of relapsing treatment resault orthodonti represent main reason for repealing of the tooth.

3 komentar:

NoeNgki PrAmeSwaRi mengatakan...

Tuh kan Dok, M3 kan musti dicabut sebelum dirawat....

ummul mengatakan...

Saya masih mempunyai lower left third molar yang tumbuhnya miring. Tapi belum punya nyali untuk operasi. Kata Dokter gigiku, masih boleh ditunda (sampe aku siap mental). Gimana sebaiknya dong?


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salam, dan senyum!

Iqbalsandira mengatakan...

Salam kenal dok!
Jalan2 ke blogku yah..
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