Selasa, 27 Maret 2012


The anterior open bite malocclusion is one of the most difficult dentofacial deformities to treat. Open bite is an occlusal characteristic where the upper and lower teeth are not in contact and vertical overlap does not exist. A major etiologic factor that reportedly contributes is various habits such as tongue thrust. These factor affecting the development of the anterior dentoalveolar complex, inhibting the normal eruption of teeth and flaring of the upper anterior teeth. Extraction of the first premolar are the most commonly considered procedures for the treatment of anterior open bite associated with crowding. A 30 years old female presented class I dental and class III skeletal malocclusion with retrognathic maxillary, anterior open bite, crowding and tongue thrust habit. In these patients the anterior open bite is closed with the extrusion of the anterior segment by extracting the first premolars. This treatment alternative works very well in patients with occlusal planes that diverge anteriorly from the first premolar. The mechanics are easier when the anterior teeth are flared than retraction of the incisors will produce lingual tipping of the incisor crowns to close the bite. After 2 years treatment anterior open bite had been corrected to normal position and profile view shows facial change with mandibular autorotation and reduction of the anterior facial height

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